I was not familiar with syllable types until recently. Reading came naturally to me, so I never really thought about words and word parts having a finite amount of combinations that can be taught. After beginning training in LETRS (Language […]
5 Eggs-cellent Easter Read Alouds
Easter is only a couple weeks away! It’s unbelievable that Easter is on the last day of March this year! I haven’t even worn my green for St. Patrick’s Day yet and I’m thinking about Easter. With thoughts of Easter, […]
10 Essentials for Sub Plans
This past week my school was short a few subs, which means I had to pitch in and sub for a couple hours in one of the classrooms. I haven’t substitute taught in many years. Substituting this past week reminded […]
5 Ways to Maximize Your Teacher Work Day
Have you ever at the end of a teacher work day thought to yourself, “I barely got anything accomplished today. Where did the time go?” It has happened to me a time or two, or more, until I started doing […]
March is Reading Month: 10 Awesome Activities
March starts at the end of next week and that means my school is gearing up for March is Reading Month! Obviously, as a reading interventionist, Reading Month is one of my favorite times of the year! I’ll take any […]
8 Books for Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th, which happens to fall on a Sunday this year. Even though it is over a weekend, that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the holiday with your students, either the Friday before or the Monday […]
8 Last Minute “Oh Crap, It’s Valentine’s Day!” Activities
I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is Friday! Now that January has FINALLY ended, February seems to be flying by! With that, I’m going to share some easy to prepare last minute Valentine’s Day activities. That way just in case you […]
Using Data Effectively
The middle of the year is an excellent time to look at your students’ data and analyze it! I agree with most educators that there is too much testing in schools. However since we have this data, we should use […]
Magnetic Letters: A Mighty Literacy Tool
If you teach in the primary grades, it is essential that you have enough sets of magnetic letters and magnetic boards for a small group of students. This is a tool that I use almost daily in my reading small […]
Ten Low-Prep 100s Day Centers
The 100th day of school is coming up! For many of us it usually occurs in February, right around Valentine’s Day. In fact, one year I combined our 100s Day celebration with Valentine’s Day. Since 100s Day activities take a […]