5 of the Most Versatile Math Manipulatives

With lower elementary students, hands-on math is a must! Even with older students, using math manipulatives can be helpful for students to grasp math concepts. Most schools provide teachers with the math manipulatives that they’ll need to teach the selected math curriculum of the district, but those may not be the best options. Furthermore, you may get into a classroom […]

10 Simple No-Bake Fall Snacks to Make in the Classroom

Making snacks with your students throughout the year can be a lot of fun and include a lot of learning! Reading a recipe and, maybe, writing one. Math with measuring ingredients. Or, even, some science or social studies, if creating a food model or discussing where the food came from. Since most classrooms aren’t equipped with ovens or other cooking […]

15 Marvelous Math Videos

A marvelous way to practice and review math skills is by playing interactive math videos! It will get students out of their seats and actively engaged in math learning. This is great for students who learn best kinesthetically and/or for students who need to expend some pent up energy. So, turn on your interactive whiteboard and tap on one of […]

7 Simple Money Saving Tips For Teachers

With prices on the rise, who isn’t looking for ways to cut costs and save money? But in particular one group stands out to me: Teachers! Teachers by nature are bargain hunters. We are always looking for a deal as well as always saving things because we may be able to “use it later.” How many of you have a […]