10 Essentials for Sub Plans

This past week my school was short a few subs, which means I had to pitch in and sub for a couple hours in one of the classrooms. I haven’t substitute taught in many years. Substituting this past week reminded me that there is some essential information that needs to be included in sub plans to make the day run […]

5 Ways to Maximize Your Teacher Work Day

Have you ever at the end of a teacher work day thought to yourself, “I barely got anything accomplished today. Where did the time go?” It has happened to me a time or two, or more, until I started doing these 5 things! Now, I get a mountain of work done during my teacher work days with only a small […]

8 Books for Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th, which happens to fall on a Sunday this year. Even though it is over a weekend, that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the holiday with your students, either the Friday before or the Monday after! Everyone can dress in green, you could eat green foods, do a rainbow experiment, hunt for gold coins, or […]

8 Last Minute “Oh Crap, It’s Valentine’s Day!” Activities

I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is Tuesday! Now that January has FINALLY ended, February seems to be flying by! With that, I’m going to share some easy to prepare last minute Valentine’s Day activities. That way just in case you forgot or just didn’t have the time to get something together, you’ll have something fun for your students to do […]

Using Data Effectively

The middle of the year is an excellent time to look at your students’ data and analyze it! I agree with most educators that there is too much testing in schools. However since we have this data, we should use it! I know using the words “data” and “analyze” in the first sentence of this post may have you cringing, […]

Rock Your Report Card Comments

The end of the semester is just around the corner! And you know what that means. Time to complete report cards for your students and fill in the dreaded comments section. I tell you the first time I wrote report card comments, it took me hours! I wanted each comment to be unique and meaningful. Over the years I learned […]