8 Valentine’s Day Books Your Students Will LOVE!

With February around the corner, finally (Am I right?), it’s time to start thinking about Valentine’s Day. I remember how much I loved celebrating Valentine’s Day in elementary school. Decorating a valentine mailbox, choosing the perfect valentine for each friend, having a class party with heart-shaped cookies, and more. My teachers over the years always made it a special day. […]

LETRS: What is it? And what does it entail?

Here in South Carolina, LETRS training is the new educational bandwagon to jump on. And from what I’ve been reading, that may be true in other states as well. LETRS has become a popular professional development for educators because it’s primarily focused on the science of reading. But, I often get asked, “What is LETRS?” What is LETRS? Since I […]

Reflecting on Your Goals in the New Year

First off, Happy New Year! I hope you took the time to really take a break and enjoy your time off from school, just like I did! It was time spent making memories with my family and taking time to recharge my body, mind, and soul. Now that we’re back at it, or, maybe, you don’t go back until tomorrow-it’s […]