10 Must-Have Student Supplies

Last week I wrote about must-have teacher supplies, so this week I feel the need to write about must-have student supplies. Students at my school come back this week! In only a few short days students will, again, be walking down the halls, chattering in the cafeteria, and back in our classrooms. As much as I wish we were supplied […]

10 Must-Have Teacher Supplies

Time for back-to-school! Say, what? I know, it doesn’t feel long enough does it? I go back to work Wednesday and as much as I have enjoyed summer, I know it’s time. And I love my position as reading interventionist, I really do. However, this year, just like others before it come with its own set of changes and I’ll […]

LETRS Training Update

First, I have to celebrate because I am officially on summer break! Woohoo! Now, I’ll get down to business. I am at the halfway point in my LETRS training and I wrote previously that I would give you all an update at this point. I completed the Zoom sessions for the entirety of Book 1, but have not quite finished […]

Summer Reading: Teacher’s Edition

Some of you may already be out for the summer, me, I have 3 more days! One of the things I enjoy most about summer is having the time to read more. I am an avid reader. Also, I am part of my neighborhood’s book club and have a library in my home, but I don’t always have the time […]

Top 5 Tips for Working with Military Students

Happy Memorial Day! We get an extra day off to remember those who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country and all of us. I thought this would be a good time to take the opportunity to think about the military students and families I have worked with over the years and what I have learned over that […]